A seasonal one day yoga and coaching retreat to keep yourself on track with your goals, passion and intention.​​

For one day we are coming together.

We use the power of sharing, reflecting, mirroring and embodying. BEING in nature, BELONGING to a community, moving and reconnecting to our body and heart. BECOMING more aligned, focused, clear, and in ease. 

The intention is to create a space, where you can look at your life, measure your well-being, and identify areas that you would like to transform. We will provide you with effective tools and a powerful yoga practice that will support your process. 

Life is filled with natural rhythms and patterns we may not always notice. Seasons, for example, have a profound effect on us. By becoming more aware of these cycles, we can align ourselves better with nature, making our lives more harmonious. This awareness can also enhance our intuition, allowing us to listen to our impulses and connect with other energy sources beyond just our minds.

We believe that each season is a time of significance and reflection.

Adjusting our routines, priorities, and mindset to align with the energy of the season can lead to personal growth, creativity, and success in our projects.

You are needed, and you are here to shine!

Spring – Planting seeds: Saturday, 27th April,  09.30-17.30

What seeds (e.g. projects) do you want to plant?

Where do you want to put your focus? 

What do you want less of in your life?

What is your direction? are you on your path?

Summer – Celebrating: Sunday, July 14th, 09.30-17.30

Do you take time to celebrate your success (with something other than alcohol)?

How do you express yourself (creatively) in this high time of the year?

Do you have FOMO (fear of missing out)?

Do you feel the pressure to stay active and socialize during the summer months?


Autumn – Harvesting: Saturday, October 26th,  09.30-17.30

Are you reluctant to let go of the past or old habits?

Do you find time to be grateful for what is in your life?

Price: 250 CHF incl. lunch

* Open to all interested people, whether you joined our retreats or not 🙂

* English? It is good if you understand English, but you can always answer in German.

* It will take place close to Bern, location will be announced after sign-up.

* Financial issues? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Facilitators:

Shivani – Group facilitator, Yoga Teacher & Mantra singer

With ten years of experience teaching yoga and more than 20 years of experience guiding groups and retreats, Shivani offers a fresh, grounded and spacious space for you to connect with yourself and others.

Ruth – Coach, Medicine Guide & Vocal Sound Healing Facilitator

Ruth loves to create magical and safe spaces where everyone is seen and heard. Through her in-depth knowledge of ancient Medicine Wheels and modern coaching tools, she is a benevolent mirror and guide.
She also loves to play with singing, sounding and inspiring group exercises that bring oneness (or wholeness), fun and new wisdom.


„Das Retreat mit Ruth und Sivani hat mich innerlich wieder total ausgerichtet und zurück in meine Kraft gebracht. Die Coachings, die tiefen langen Yogasessions und die freie Zeit mit mir und in der Sauna haben mir geholfen, die wiedergewonnene Klarheit in Bezug auf meinen Seelenweg im Körper zu verankern. Danach sind ganz viele kleinere und grössere Wunder passiert!“
Daniela, 43 – Teilnehmerin Yoga & Coaching Retreat Jan 2024

„Das Retreat von Ruth und Shivani im einzigartigen Hotel im Jura war Balsam für Körper, Geist und Seele. Die Mischung aus wertvollem Coaching, abwechslungsreichem Yoga, feinem Essen und einer guten Portion Humor sorgte dafür, dass man mit viel Energie ins neue Jahr starten konnte! Vielen Dank dafür!“
Rahel, 36 – Teilnehmerin Yoga & Coaching Retreat Jan 2024